Stories From The Trail

Episode 047 - Tough Girl Challenges with Sarah Williams



File this one under "Inspirational"! Sarah Williams is not only a veteran outdoor adventurer and world traveler, she has spent the past few years curating HUNDREDS of hours of conversation with other inspiring women from around the world on her amazing podcast, Tough Girl Challenges.  The Tough Girl Podcast won the Women's Sports Trust #BeAGameChanger National Award for Media Initiative of the Year 2018.       In this episode we discuss: * Does Sarah have a trail name and where did it come from? * Sports, she was active in lacrosse, hockey and rounders * Duke of Edinborough award * After college, sara took on a high pressure job in the financial field, kep crazy hours, stopped doing sports. * She was getting ten minutes of fresh air a day * at the age of 32 she first asked herself "what should I do with my life" * She traveled for 18 months, mostly in South America * Machu Picchu, Bolivian Salt Flats, cycled Death Road, Climbed in Chile, Kilimanjaro * This inspired the birth of "Tough Girl Challenges" * Why