Motivational Millennial | Passion | Dreams | Overcome Challenges | Purpose | Fulfillment | Motivation

03: Building Start-Ups, Relationships + Pushing Limits with Travis Marsh



Travis Marsh, Co-Founder of Courage Labs, Startup & Entrepreneur Coach. Travis graduated salutatorian from University of Florida in Engineering.  He pursued a successful engineering and sales management career before taking a turn toward the more complex world of what motivates us and what makes us happy.  He now splits his time between facilitating Interpersonal Communications at Stanford Graduate School of Business, running a coaching company focused on Startup and Entrepreneurs, and building a software company that is trying to bring coaching to more people.  When he’s not working he loves getting out to travel to new countries and whatever adventure sports he can find wherever he can find them. Learn more about Travis at You can read the full show notes and resources at