Motivational Millennial | Passion | Dreams | Overcome Challenges | Purpose | Fulfillment | Motivation

15: Empowering Under-Heard Communities with Dr. Brittney Cofield-Poole



Dr. Brittney M. Cofield-Poole received her Ph.D. in Applied & Social Psychology from North Carolina State University. She is a budding community psychologist who believes the possibilities available to facilitate transformative change are both a humbling and challenging opportunity to uncover new methods of empowerment. She seeks to use her experience in scholarship, civic innovation and creative coalition building as a platform to raise the volume for the voices of the 'under-heard'. Through her online media platform, Brilliant & Brown, her ultimate goal is to curate and craft poignant as well as positive representations of progress through digital storytelling. You can read the show notes and access all the links and resources at