Tk With James Scott

Ep. 9: Sarah Holland-Batt & Rebecca Morgan Frank



It's an all-out poetry extravaganza! Sarah Holland-Batt (THE HAZARDS) talks to James about creating a collection, poems as river stones, inadvertent plagiarism, waterproof editions of her books, and The Childbearing Hips. Plus Rebecca Morgan Frank discusses editing the fantastic online journal MEMORIOUS.      James and Sarah Discuss:  W.H. Auden  Philip Larkin  Derek Walcott  Les Murray  FAUVERIE by Pascale Petit  Homer  STAG'S LEAP by Sharon Olds  Elizabeth Bishop  "The Fish"  Jorie Graham  THE WASTELAND by T.S. Eliot  THE LOVE SONG OF J. ALFRED PRUFROCK by T.S. Eliot  Harold Bloom  Geoffrey Hill  Wallace Stevens  Sappho  Bronwyn Lea  Tori Amos Nirvana  Walt Whitman  Emily Dickinson    James and Morgan discuss:  Emerson College  Rob Arnold  The Beacon Street Review  Redivider  Ploughshares  The Believer  McSweeney's  Agni  Katy Didden  Joanna Luloff  Brian Trapp  Matt McBride  Jean Valentine  Rick Barot  Tarfia Faizullah Chloe Honum