Tk With James Scott

Ep. 15: Paula Whyman & Daniel Menaker



The interconnected stories in YOU MAY SEE A STRANGER took Paula Whyman over a decade to compile. She gives James some advice for writing sex scenes and explains how she writes with such honesty. Then, Daniel Menaker tells James about deciding to represent Paula's book, editing Alice Munro's stories, his career at Random House, and what made his time at The New Yorker so special. And somewhere a dog barks. Quite frequently.     Paula and James discuss: Yaddo  THE BREAST by Philip Roth  PLOUGHSHARES  THE HUDSON REVIEW American University  VIRGIN FICTION (anthology)  WORLD VIEW  Porter Square Books Joanna Rakoff  Philip Roth  T.C. Boyle  Martin Amis  Jamie Quatro  Alyssa Nutting  OLIVE KITTERIDGE by Elizabeth Strout  McSWEENEY'S Jane Austen  Oliver Sacks  Daniel Menaker  Sewanee Writers' Conference  Mike Levine  ONE STORY  Hannah Tinti  Marie-Helene Bertino  Maribeth Batcha  Billy Goldstein    James and Daniel discuss:  The New Yorker  Paula Whyman  Alice Munro  "Royal Beatings" by Alice Munro  Richard Avedon  M