Tk With James Scott

Ep. 22: Amy Koppelman & Year-End Recommendations Pt. 1



The sometimes brutal nature of her books has forced Amy Koppelman to decide between an easier path or being true to her characters, and she has chosen truth every time. She and James talk about dealing with rejection, trying to enjoy happiness, and The Zoloft Ball. Afterwards, past guests give recommendations on art they enjoyed in 2016.     Amy and James Discuss: Gordon Lish  "The Bath" by Raymond Carver "A Small Good Thing" by Raymond Carver  Vladimir Nabokov  "A Good Man is Hard To Find" by Flannery O'Connor "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates  "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue" by Bob Dylan Sam Hinkie  A WORLD OF YESTERDAY by Stefan Zweig  MacAdam/Cage Publishing  Two Dollar Radio  Eric Obenauf  Vincent Van Gogh  Kay Redfield Jamison    Pauls Recommends: BARKSKINS by Annie Proulx  WAR AND TURPENTINE by Stefan Hertmans    Jung Recommends: THE NIX by Nathan Hill  THE ASSOCIATION OF SMALL BOMBS by Karan Mahajan  WE LOVE YOU, CHARLIE FREEMAN by Kaitlyn Greenidge  RICH AND PRETTY by Ru