Tk With James Scott

Ep. 54: Jon Pineda & Miciah Bay Gault



One of James's favorite books of 2018 inspires one of his favorite conversations. Jon Pineda, author of LET'S NO ONE GET HURT, joins the show to talk about being worried for your characters, maintaining a sense of wonder, fooling yourself into writing, inventing the Voltron of fathers, becoming a cobbler (!) and living a life with fewer disclaimers. Plus, Miciah Bay Gault chats about HUNGER MOUNTAIN and the MFA in publishing and writing at Vermont College of Fine Arts.  - Jon Pineda: Jon and James discuss: HITCHCOCK/TRUFFAUT dir by Kent Jones  HITCHCOCK by Francois Truffaut  NORTH BY NORTHWEST dir by Alfred Hitchcock Voltron  The Incredible Hulk  WE THE ANIMALS by Justin Torres  Marilynne Robinson  JESUS' SON by Denis Johnson  GIOVANNI'S ROOM by James Baldwin  IF THE SKY FALLS by Nicholas Montemarano THE LOVER by Marguerite Duras  Amy Hempel  ANGEL HEAD: A MEMOIR by Greg Bottoms  HELL AT THE BREECH by Tom Franklin  -  Miciah Bay Gault:   Miciah