Tk With James Scott

Ep. 58: Julia Fine & Erin Wicks



Of all the terrible just-out-of-college jobs that have been described on TK, Julia Fine probably had the worst. Later, she ended up leaving a good position to pursue an MFA, and the result is WHAT SHOULD BE WILD, a (wild) combination of fairy tale, folklore, mystery, road trip, and countless other inspirations. She and James talk about how she managed to juggle so many influences while avoiding genre expectations. Plus, Julia's editor from Harper, Erin Wicks.  -  Julia Fine: Julia and James discuss: Annie Hartnett  Columbia College Chicago Harper  Mercedes Lackey  Tamora Pierce  HIS DARK MATERIALS by Philip Pullman Angela Carter  WE HAVE ALWAYS LIVED IN THE CASTLE by Shirley Jackson  Robert Graves  FROM THE BEAST TO THE BLONDE by Marina Warner  Erin Wicks  Carmen Maria Machado   Kelly Link  SWAMPLANDIA! by Karen Russell THE TIGER'S WIFE by Tea Obreht  MR. FOX by Helen Oyeyemi  Benjamin Percy  Stephen King  MARLENA by Julie Buntin - Erin Wicks: @Erin_Wicks Erin and James discuss:  W