Tk With James Scott

Ep. 83: Amanda Goldblatt & Caroline Eisenmann



It took Amanda Goldblatt eight years to write her debut novel, HARD MOUTH. The result is a brilliantly inventive work combining style with emotional impact and classic storytelling. She and James talk about their long friendship, cutting the apocalypse, summoning (or not) imaginary beings, making rules for novels, and remembering the books they read as kids. Plus, Amanda's agent from Frances Goldin Literary Agency, Caroline Eisenmann.  - Amanda Goldblatt: Buy HARD MOUTH: Buy HARD MOUTH from your local indie bookstore! Amanda and James discuss:  Washington University  THE CUPBOARD  Eugene Pallette  Caroline Eisenmann  Turner Classic Movies  POND by Claire-Louise Bennett  MY MAN GODFREY  HATCHET by Gary Paulsen  THE SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON by Johann David Wyss Harry Potter THE HUNGER GAMES  E.T.  J Dilla  VOX  Notorious B.I.G.  Andre 3000  MF Doom  Talib Kweli  Kerri Webster  Gordon Lish  Gary Lutz  Amy Hempel  Sam Lipsyte  Christine Schutt  "The Sentence is a Lonely Place" by Gary L