Tk With James Scott

Ep. 84: Gabriel Urza & Tyler Glauz-Todrank



It started as a short story in grad school, but Gabriel Urza kept coming back to what would eventually be his novella THE WHITE DEATH: AN ILLUSION. He talks to James about feeling like a child in the face of magic, having trouble extricating past from present, portraying the ambiguity of the supernatural, working through your problems when writing, and reading that's like eating a bag of chips. Plus, Tyler Glauz-Todrank from Bear Pond Books in Montpelier, VT on fall releases.    - Gabriel Urza: Buy THE WHITE DEATH: AN ILLUSION: Gabriel and James discuss:  Charles Dickens  ANGELS & DEMONS by Dan Brown  Kurt Vonnegut  The Ohio State University  "Fantasy for Eleven Fingers" by Ben Fountain  the Magic Castle  "Eisenheim the Illusionist" by Steven Millhauser Jeff Mcbride Mt. Hood  Sewanee Writers' Conference  Bread Loaf Writers' Conference  Annie Hartnett  Hannah Tinti  Loch Ness  Claire Vaye Watkins THE THIRD HOTEL by Laura van