Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 029: Praying in the Realm of God 2



Welcome to Episode 029 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael teaches on prayer that is love and love that is prayer.   In this episode, you’ll discover: Prayer is a love encounter in a relationship with God. Prayer is receiving love from God, it is loving God, it is loving God in yourself, it is loving God in others, and it is loving God in creation. If you are praying apart from love, than you trying to use prayer to self-appropriate the nature of God, or the kingdom-realm of God, for your own purposes.   Notable episode quotes: We don’t know God with our heads, but with out hearts.  Prayer is not head to heart communion, but heart to heart communion.  It is not our heads, but our hearts that have been given the capacity for fellowship with God.  The human heart does not possess the attribute of infinitude, only God is infinite, but we can partake of His infinitude in our hearts through love and grace.  Love will take us further into God than know