Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 033: Personal Union with God



  Welcome to Episode 033 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues to teach on the truly amazing meaning of salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: Salvation, as to it's very essence, is personal union with God. Since God is ultimately a personal being, salvational must be seen as personal union with a personal God. Salvation is relational, not to mean that it is a mere relationship, like an acquaintance with a neighbor or friend, but since in salvation we are born of God, it is being related at the level of our state of being, spiritual relatives of God, in a family existence by an act of generation, sons and daughters of the Most High, born of God's love for God's love.   Notable episode quotes: Salvation is to be “in Christ”, which is essentially relational.  And, since Christ is a member of the Triune Godhead, to be in Christ necessitates participation in the Trinitarian life of God, which again is essentially relational, three per