Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 045: Spiritual Detox: Freedom from Demonization



SHOW NOTES FOR EPISODE 045: Spiritual Detox: Freedom from Demonization   Welcome to Episode 045 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.      In this episode, Nathanael continues a series entitled, "Spiritual Detox".   In this episode, you’ll discover: Spiritual detox is cleansing from spiritual diseases (or toxins) that afflict the soul (mind, will, and emotions) and the body and also, if necessary, receiving freedom from any demonization that may have attached to those diseases. Spiritual detox is the application the cross of Christ, along with Christ’s resurrection, though prayer and other means of grace, to sinful ways of thinking and acting that have been built into our souls and bodies over a lifetime. To one degree or another, demons can go wherever sin can go. We must give no place to the devil. Knowing the love of God in Christ cleanses us from spiritual toxins and demonic attachments like nothing else.   Notable episode quotes: Although every sinful deed was fully washe