Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 054: A Deeper Life in Prayer: Being Silent Pt. 2



SHOW NOTES FOR EPISODE 054: A Deeper Life in Prayer: Being Silent Pt. 2   Welcome to Episode 054 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.      In this episode, Nathanael continues a series entitled, "A Deeper Life in Prayer".   In this episode, you’ll discover: Silence is not the soundless moments between noise. Silence is a state of being. Silence is necessary for knowing God. Silence is a work of grace. Silence is sheer receptivity.   Notable episode quotes: “A bishop and several pilgrims are traveling on a fishing boat from Archangel to the Solovétsk Monastery. During the voyage, the bishop engages the fishermen in conversation after overhearing them discuss a remote island nearby their course where three old hermits lived a spartan existence focused on seeking "salvation for their souls." Several of the fisherman claim to have seen them once.   The bishop then informs the captain that he wishes to visit the island. The captain attempts to dissuade him by saying "the old men ar