Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

Awakening Episode 070: Seeing the Unseen Pt. 1



SHOW NOTES FOR EPISODE 070: Seeing the Unseen Pt. 1   Welcome to Episode 070 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.   Is it possible to know the unknowable, see the future, gaze into the heavenly realm, and converse with angels?   It is possible through the revelation gifts of the Holy Spirit.   In this series Nathanael Wolf teaches on the three revelation gifts of the Holy Spirit.  You’ll discover the incredible reality and dynamic power of the Holy Spirit in:   The Word of Wisdom The Word of Knowledge The Discernings of Spirits   Notable episode quotes: “Without the Holy Spirit’s manifestation through His gifts we are incomplete, doomed to an orphan-like, earthbound experience, but with Him in manifestation in our lives all of Heaven is present.”   Download the Sent Ones Unlimited app: The Sent Ones Unlimited app is the best way to listen to the podcast.  Please download the Sent Ones Unlimited app at the Apple App Store or on Google Play (search using the words Sent Ones Un