Youthpod Ireland

YouthPod Ireland Season 02 Episode 08 'Disability Awareness' with Graham Merrigan



This episode of YouthPod Ireland comes on a very special day for the YouthPod Ireland crew as we host our first ever 'Wheelchair For A Day' Disability Awareness Day in our day jobs as youth workers in our hometown of Bray, Ireland. Joining us for a very special edition of the podcast is Graham Merrigan, a prominent podcaster, actor, athlete, social commentator and ambassador for wheelchair users. Graham discusses his own challenges as a wheelchair user and the many great things he has managed to achieve in his life, where disability simply wasn't an option for holding him back. This is a great episode, with a great bloke and is a must- listen as we discuss some rather controversial and thorny topics. Big thanks to Graham for the interview and for helping inform and direct our own actions as we begin to raise awareness for our local community living with disabilities. Please get involved by emailing us at or on all of our social media challenges. Enjoy the episode.