Vox Republica: Podcast Of The Cardboard Republic

Vox Republica 060: Gaming in Mainstream Media



Episode 060: Gaming in Mainstream Media Length: 32:06 Subscribe to Show Link:    Welcome back to Vox Republica, the Cardboard Republic Podcast! We post new episodes every Thursday, and each episode will be about 20 - 30 minutes long. First off, we wanted to thank everyone who participated in our (or anyone's Extra Life events of the previous weekend. A lot of money was raised for a good cause! In this week's episode, we dive into the idea of board gaming coverage in mainstream media. Whether it's the NY Times or The Guardian, articles from more widespread organizations about board games are on the rise. Yet do they really get to the heart of the hobby? Are they accurate in their depictions of gamers, and are those assessments fair? We discuss a host of reasons that, while this overall is a good thing, we still have a ways to go to see widespread appreciation in major media forms. Oh, and we may have slid in mention of the free edX class on game design that just started up.   We’d love to hear from you! You ca