Vox Republica: Podcast Of The Cardboard Republic

Vox Republica 064: Rules Tutorial



Episode 064: Rules Tutorial Length: 23:05 Subscribe to Show Link:    Welcome back to Vox Republica, the Cardboard Republic Podcast! We post new episodes every Thursday, and each episode will be about 20 - 30 minutes long. From the simplest Roll and Move classcs through marathon sessions of Twilight Imperium, every game comes with some degree of rules to them. Some games can be explained in minutes, while for others take so long you made need a cup of coffee to go with them.  How rules are crafted, then, and how they are conveyed to players new and old is pivotal to both understanding and enjoying the game in front of you. This week, Ryan offers some tips for explaining game rules to new and experienced gamers alike. Whether it's sample turns, using tutorial videos like Watch it Played, or even just sitting in front of your players and explaining the rules in detail, we find out: is there a best method? And how should you proceed?     We’d love to hear from you! You can send questions or feedback via email at