Vox Republica: Podcast Of The Cardboard Republic

Vox Republica 152: The Business of Gaming



Episode 152: The Business of Gaming Length: 1:05:34 Show Links: RSS | iTunes | Stitcher | Download Episode   Welcome back to Vox Republica, the Cardboard Republic Podcast! We post new episodes every other Thursday, with each episode being about 45 minutes long. Vox Republica is proudly supported by our Patreon. Consider contributing today! DESCRIPTION: This week, Erin and Ryan talk about the business side of gaming. Is the board game industry really so different from other industries? It feels like it sometimes. Why is that and where do we think it’s going? GUESTS: None RECENTLY PLAYED GAMES - (01:00): Hellapagos by Gigamic (BGG Link) Mansions of Madness by Fantasy Flight Games (BGG Link) Overlords of Infamy by Obscure Reference Games (BGG Link) FEATURED TOPIC - (23:32): Whether you consider board games to be art or not, the idea that designers make poor business people persists in the board game industry. Why is this? And why do fans tend to react poorly when game companies grow and become more profession