Spanish Practices

Day 37 - "Mozzies and Orgies"



Today Mozzies and Orgies  Day Thirty six of the Spanish Lockdown, the sometimes amusing, diary of a Brit in southern Spain under the 'Alarma' - normal life has stopped.   To find out more: Day 37 Mozzies and Orgies It is day 37 of our Spanish lockdown and I have been bitten on the bum, it happened the other night.  I had thrown the duvet off as it had got to warm, half asleep and half aware of a mosquito in the room, he must have got me right between the cheeks.   As he flew passed my ear I grabbed our handy fly killing aerosol, and sprayed there was the usually angry strangled high pitched buzzing and then silence.  I don’t usually get effected by bites, usually just a bit of a red mark.   But I woke up in the morning and my inner left cheek is stinging like hell.  I found the culprit on the floor… a tiger Mosquito.  These are nasty little creatures that have come over from Asia and are making their home here.  They carry all sorts of exotic diseases with them.   Here in Spain