Spanish Practices

Day 69 - "Alhambra"



Day 69 it is Saturday and a tale of majestic beauty and ticket fraud, the daily diary of a British couple in Lockdown, still, in Spain.   Find out more: Day 69   Saturday and the weekend has arrived with thirty plus temperatures, somewhere nearby somebody has some gentle Spanish guitar music playing and the birds are singing away.    The Alhambra Palaces have said they plan to open again on the 1st of June and are putting in place social distancing measures, so I guess fewer people allowed around the palaces in each timed trip.  So this might be one of the best times ever to see the Alhambra, it truly is a wonder.   There is a lot of tosh written about the Alhambra, ruddy American Washington Irving with his “Tales of the Alhambra” seriously muddied the waters between fact and fiction.  Some of the myths are quoted in some books as facts.   Published back in 1830, the book did help the restoration of the Palaces that had fallen into a poor state of decay.  Rather like the old med