Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

3.31.2019 - Giving All Of Ourselves



Okay, so my proud blogging moment of March was when I went through and updated all of my pages and then created a Year of Mark page where all of my sermons from Mark are archived!  It's crazy to look back and see how far we have gotten. Here is my sermon from last Sunday.  It was the end of chapter 12, the end of the Gospel narrative, before the apocalypse in chapter 13 transitions us into the Passion.  I feel like everyone in the church is really into this right now!  It's going to be a little bit odd celebrating Easter and then jumping back into the Passion and the crucifixion and resurrection but also we are all really caught up in the story right now, so I think it will be fine. Here's my sermon!  Enjoy ...  -Sarah