Preaching In Pumps | Sermons By Rev. Sarah E. Weaver

4.28.2019 - Telling Stories Of Love



Hi friends!  I can't believe May begins this week!  I am not really sure where the week went. Even though it was the week after Easter and most of my friends were preaching Doubting Thomas, we were back in the Year of Mark this morning, actually beginning the Passion Narrative (which, yes, felt like 5 giant steps backwards considering we celebrated the resurrection last week, but also I am looking at it as a great way to get a resurrection do-over - ha!). This sermon reflects on The Year of Mark and then talks about the stories we are telling and reinforcing in our lives.  I think sometimes we are inclined to focus on the negative, but if we look there are really amazing and grace-filled things happening in our lives! Enjoy ... -Sarah