Spiritual & Empowerment Living With Tia

Crystal Healer USA Workshop Tour with Philip Permutt



Join me on Friday 20th at 2pm est as I speak with UK crystal healing author and teacher, Philip Permutt, about his upcoming Crystal Healer USA Workshop Tour. Philip has written five books on healing with crystals, and has created The Little Meditation Album Series, including a Grammy nominated meditation album, “The Little Meditation Album”. He is a Reiki Master/Teacher and also teaches meditation at his UK crystal shop & healing center, iSiS, in St. Albans, England. Link: http://www.thecrystalhealer.co.uk/epages/thecrystalhealer.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=%2FShops%2Fthecrystalhealer%2FCategories%2FPR6%2FPR6a.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CrystalhealerUSA. Tia Johnson is a certified Dream Coach, an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, a certified Reiki Practitioner, and a crystal healer. Tia's websites: https://www.violetsanctuaryspa.com https://www.facebook.com/thevioletsanctuaryspa Call in numbers: Domestic: 619-996-1641 International: 917-889-7908 Time zone: 2PM EST;1PM; CST Noon MST11AM PST 7PM UK www.timean