Spiritual & Empowerment Living With Tia

#194: Roundtable Talk: What To Do When Leadership Drastically Changes



In this episode, Tia was a guest on Jessica Valor's podcast, Love Your Life With Jessica Valor, with Andrew Barker for a roundtable to discuss the recent events of Doreen Virtue and her infamous list: “A-Z List of New Age Practices to Avoid, and Why” which express that everything she taught over her lifetime is now evil and of the devil. Doreen Virtue has denounced her decade's long teaching and deemed all of Spirituality as well as Harry Potter, yoga, unicorns, and the peace sign as evil. Tia is certified by Doreen as Angel Therapy Practitioner and several of her angel and past life encounters have been published in Doreen's book. Tia along with Jessica and Andrew discuss what it means when a leader essentially jumps ship and how to recover as many people in the spiritual community have mixed feelings about her transition and rhetoric. Andrew is a Psychic Medium and Tarot Card Reader who works to make Angels more accessible to people. Through his style of reading, which he refers to as “Love, Light, and F-Bo