Dead Beat Film Society

091 - Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)



The Citizen Kane of Bad Movies! Join the Dead Beat Film Society as we discuss the worst movie ever made, the manic transvestite director Ed Wood, Bela Lugosi's dead, Vampira vs. Elvira, DIY filmmaking, the Amazing Criswell the psychic (with 2% accuracy), similarities with John Waters and Tommy Wiseau, Winnebago Man, the 1950's, distrust of the government, finding your people, why nerds like cheezy stuff, connections to the baptist church, cult movies and fandom, aliens, zombies, and vampires. Skip the first 8 plans and hit play for an in depth Plan 9 From Outer Space film analysis! (Special Guest: NW Nerd) Click here to listen and subscribe to NW Nerd podcast!