Dead Beat Film Society

094 - Enter the Dragon (1973)



Enter the podcast! Join the Dead Beat Film Society as we discuss the man, the myth, the legend of Seattle hero Bruce Lee, the lost film Game of Death, James Bond films, the confusing (pointless?) plot, Mr. Han's many hands, 0% body fat, Jeet Kune Do, the legendary battle over Wing Chun instruction, blaxploitation, bad dubbing in martial arts movies, our remake origin story Birth of the Dragon, Jackie Chan's cameo, defying stereotypes associated with the emasculated Asian male, influence on pop culture, never wearing shirts, the mystery surrounding his death, and the importance of the film's title! So one inch punch that play button for an in depth Enter The Dragon film analysis! (Special Guest: Justin Watches Movies) Click here to watch and subscribe to the Justin Watches Movies youtube channel!