Dead Beat Film Society

099 - Dr. Strangelove (1964)



How I learned to stop worrying and love the dead beats! Join the DBFS as we revisit Stanley Kubrick for the 4th time, talk the alternate title, Russia, the absurdity of politics, impending doom, the apocalypse, the existential threat of nuclear annihilation, Peter Sellers 3 roles in the film and his failed 4th role, Slim Pickens, what makes a comedy, how Kubrick attained the realism of the war room & the bomber plane, Fail Safe, the title credits by Pablo Ferro, fake news, misinformation, communism, bogus sports predictions, the hierarchy of insanity in each of the locations, America as the villain, COVID-19, wildfire smoke, and other light themes of our imminent demise! Bomb that play button for an in depth Dr.Strangelove film analysis! (Special Guest: Brendan) Click here to check out Brendan's art!