Dead Beat Film Society

101 - The Blair Witch Project (1999)



It's Spooky Season deadbeats! Trick or treat! Join the DBFS as we talk found footage, getting lost in the woods, snot bubbles, teenagers arguing, different types of horror movies, what scares us, not seeing the witch, happy accidents, the internet ad campaign, the improvised film technique, the missing or dead cast, Cannibal Holocaust and Paranormal Activity, indie film making, the failed Book of Shadows and it's original concept, is there even a witch?, is it a serial killer?, is Mike the killer?, is it supernatural?, and try to imagine a found footage film that isn't horror. Smash that play button for an in depth The Blair Witch Project film analysis! (Special Guest: 24 Flames Per Second Podcast) Click here to listen and subscribe to 24 Flames podcast!