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20. Kill Your Todo List – Sell Your Ideas to Google (overcoming decision fatigue for better creativity & productivity)



Sometimes, the things you feel like you should do create so much cognitive burden you can hardly get anything done. When I feel that way, I know it's time for me to have a "Week of Want." I give myself a whole week where I can work on whatever project I want, without having to think about what goal I'm trying to achieve. This has brought me great results many times, including writing a blog post, which connected me with Timeful, which later sold to Google. I talked about the Week of Want a little in my interview with neuroscientist John Kounios, but in this mini-episode, I explain the technique in-depth. Sponsor: Get 50% off my White Hot Course when you use WHITEHOTLOVE at before April 16, 2016. Show notes: