Becoming A Yogi

How A Passion For Yoga Can Become Your Business | Episode 7



Jamez sits down with Entrepreneur, PR Guru, Publicist and the owner of Coroa (a luxury line of yoga clothing for men), Santiago Pazos. They discuss Santiago's journey to finding his place on the mat, the challenges, and tools that yoga has given him to live a more balanced and connected lifestyle.  Santiago talks briefly about his issues with organized religion and the reason he left the Catholic church. He discusses the path to spiritual liberation and how yoga provides a place to express himself free from the judgment of his sexuality.  lastly, Santiago shares his story about bringing more men on the mat through his company Coroa. He shares with us how a person with no previous experience in fashion can allow passion to lead them to develop their vision - a men's yoga clothing line from scratch.  Check out Coroa here: