Don't Waste Your Pretty

V Day w/ Dixie Perkinson



Happy Valentine’s Day! We’re joined by Dixie Perkinson for a good old-fashioned radio play—  celebrating VDay by reading Eve Ensler’s landmark feminist masterpiece The Vagina Monologues. Since it was first staged in 1996 the play has provided a platform for expression and empowerment through acknowledging the many possible experience of  living in a woman’s body, having a vagina (or not). Since 1998 Ensler and women around the world have staged productions of The Vagina Monologues to raise awareness and money to fight violence against women- if you are motivated by this episode we encourage you to make a donation to Peace Over Violence, a Los Angeles-based non-profit dedicated to “building healthy relationships and communities free from sexual, domestic, and interpersonal violence.”  Donate here: