Defining Success Podcast

Episode 37: Balancing Your Work and Personal Life | Alex Navas from



Alex Navas helps people and business owners determine what is important in their business and personal lives. It's not easy balancing your work and personal life. The most successful people are able to find a healthy balance between the two where they are able to accomplish a lot at work, but not to the detriment of their families. Learn more from Alex on business and what it takes to be successful in Episode 37 of the Defining Success Podcast. Alex Navas is nationally recognized for his financial expertise and exceptional small business marketing methods. He has been active in finance, marketing, sales and personal development for 10 years. He is now an energetic and charismatic speaker, trainer and business coach. It's important to have the right balance in your business and personal life.  In Episode 37 of the Defining Success Podcast, Alex Navas shares his insights into business and what it takes to become successful.