Defining Success Podcast

Episode 117: How to Use Help a Reporter Out (HARO) | Michael Kawula



Michael Kawula is going to teach you how to use Help a Reporter Out, also known as HARO.  We're going to walk you through how to set up an account, how to receive HARO emails, how to effectively respond to queries from reporters, and how to get your articles published on sites like Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes, Fox, the Huffington Post, and much, much more. Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is a free tool.  To use HARO visit and sign up.  When you sign up you'll receive emails three times a day:  morning, afternoon and night. Reporters can ask for sources on a particular topic through HARO and you can be used as a source for those articles.  They will include a headline for the article their looking for information on and you can respond to the topics that you feel you can add some value through.