Kinky And Curious - Bs'ing With Barak & Sheba

KaC063 - BS'ing about Reputations



It’s September, and the weather is starting to turn… so turn on the BSing and get a couple laughs in before it gets too cold to break a smile! Check out what we did last night at The Columbus Space ( during the play party and so much more on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba. On this episode, we cover - - Sheba’s Wonder Woman Flogger & Spin - Reputations (good and bad) in the kink community - Barak & Sheba’s “Research & Development” for AIS Plus – we share our plans for possible Needle Play, the Theme and some of the rules at the Steel City Scandal -; some alliterations for poor Tommy; some great bourbon, boots and cigars at the Castle Treue; How Barak liked urethral sounding and plans for future toy testing; and the next N2K Exploratorium at the Space on Oct 7 - Plus – We talk about about what AIS is doing in the near future! So come and liste