Kinky And Curious - Bs'ing With Barak & Sheba

KaC066 - BS'ing about Barak's Past



It’s getting colder and colder, and the holidays are almost upon us. So pulling Sheba away from the shopping is not easy! But, with Wicked ( only 8 weeks away, and Beyond the Love just behind us, we figured it was time to let it all hang out. This month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba,we cover a question or two, while catching up on Barak’s Past! We answer those pressing questions: • If you take power exchange out of the equation, is it just vanilla people doing kinky things? • What is the difference between Brat & Princess? Plus – we talk all about this past weekend’s Beyond the Love Polyamory conference. Barak as the A/V Geek, then and now. Did Best Buy steal the concept of a geek squad? How he played D&D, on those octagonal printed papers. How Sheba would paint her characters. How many Wicked Tickets are left? What about meow? And listen in as Barak & Sheba sing 80’s TV commercials. Regardless - It’s a good time and s