I Love Madison Show

A Trailing Spouse Who Jumped Right Into the Madison Community, Sarah Wells Episode #8



If you haven't heard the term, “Trailing Spouse” it has to do with a family that is forced to move due to a job or relocation and one of the spouses moves early to get things established while the other trails behind, bringing family, household goods, and who knows what else. In Sarah Wells’ case, she followed behind her husband bringing 30 head of cattle! In this episode of I Love Madison, you'll get to hear the trailing spouse story of Sarah Wells, what she has done to get involved in the community now that she lives in Madison, and all about her business ventures that are benefiting the community. It's a great conversation that you won't want to miss. It’s not easy being a trailing spouse, but Sarah Wells is a great example of what can be done to make the experience less stressful and more fulfilling Bringing up the rear when the family has to move is not always a fun experience. Sarah moved to Madison in November - not the best time to get out and about due to weather issues. So, in her own words, Sarah w