Examineradio - The Halifax Examiner Podcast

Halifax needs a living wage: Examineradio, episode #93



The concept of a has been picking up steam across North America, with more than 140 cities in the United States having adopted such a measure. Currently, New Westminister, BC, is the only Canadian city to have passed such legislation, but the movement is gaining support across the country. In Halifax, organizations like the are leading the charge to have this adopted by city council. This week we speak with , President of CUPE Local 108, of the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council about the practicalities of passing such an ordinance. We also talk to  of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. The progressive think tank this week released a thorough  on living wage ordinances using Halifax and Antigonish as test markets. Finally, we look to the city of Lincoln, Nebraska - a city approximately the size of Halifax - which, in 2004, implemented a living wage ordinance for all city employees and all employees of firms with municipal contracts. We speak with Terry Werner, the former city council