I Love Madison Show

Eric Baillies Is Using Antique Photography To Inspire Wonder And Connect People In Madison, EPISODE #17



This episode of the I Love Madison show is packed with heartwarming content from all over the city! Chris Sorensen highlights an amazing mission organization that regularly meets to serve people a free meal, Chris Reese interviews a local mom who moved into the community with her husband to plant a church, and Neil Mathweg reconnects with an old friend who is using 19th century photography methods to inspire wonder and creativity, and connect the community in Madison. Thanks for listening, this episode is sure to inspire! Are you playing the game of magnets? If not, you should be! If you have not gotten your ILM magnet yet, reach out on social media to request one, and the hosts will mail one to you! Remember, if you see magnets around town, you can take a picture, then post them to “register” that magnet in your name! Chris Sorenson hosts the “Mission of the Week” segment, with guest Mike Theese Sometimes, the best way to connect with someone is over a meal. Just south of Madison is the community of Stoughto