Examineradio - The Halifax Examiner Podcast

Chronicle Herald death spiral: Examineradio, episode #98



On what is one of the longest episodes in Examineradio's history, we devote almost the entire show to marking the auspicious occasion of the one-year anniversary of the Chronicle Herald strike. First we speak with veteran arts reporter about the cautious optimism surrounding the current round of negotiations between the union and management and the dearth of in-depth arts criticism in Halifax. We also speak with two experts in the newspaper industry and modern journalism: Robert McChesney is a professor of communication at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He's a co-founder of , an advocacy group that "...fights to ... curb runaway media consolidation, protect press freedom, and ensure diverse voices are represented in our media." He's also the co-author of .  is a media business analyst at the in Tampa, FL. Finally, CKDU's was at the demonstration in front of the Chronicle Herald offices this past Monday. She spoke with some of the striking workers as well as pol