I Love Madison Show

Lights, Camera, Madison!: A Lifestyle Snapshot With Ruthie Hauge, EPISODE #26



Ruthie Hauge, an award-winning photographer joins us today to give us a snapshot of what it’s like living in Madison! Ruthie’s roots are in photojournalism and art. After graduating from Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, where she majored in photography and minored in drawing, she launched her photography business and in 2006, and was hired as a Staff Photographer by Sun-Times Media. She has an impressive resume of places she has traveled and famous people she has photographed, including Paul McCartney! Listen to this outstanding interview to hear her journey from Chicago to Madison, and why she fell in love with this great city! This is a community of artists After moving to Madison, Ruthie wanted to re-launch her photography business, so she started networking. She was a little nervous about the competition, as Madison is home to some amazing talent, but after attending network groups like the Madison Chamber of Commerce, The Rising Tides Society, and the Minona Business Alliance, she found the that