Newtcast: A Harry Potter Podcast

Episode 15: Saul is a Seer



Alexis and Mallory catch up on the last few months' worth of Wizarding World news, focusing on the more disappointing of the bunch in the Suitcase. We kick off with an excerpt from "Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash," or the AI-generated Harry Potter chapter that had us rolling around laughing. If you have no patience for frivolity, skip to minute 3. There's a film title! Locations! Casting! And confirmation that yes, Saul Marquez of fame is, indeed, a seer! A hilarious snafu in the house editions, probably due to some Intern picking up a tidbit from the Internet (a Most Reputable Source), and we can't help but laugh More editions Um, kind of an awesome VR RPG mobile app ????? Will this be a dream or a disappointment ??? The foot in mouth diseased Yates and the words he used in explaining the casting of Grindelwald. Plus: Rowling's take on everything with a dash of Heyman. We added a sprinkle of Radcliffe to sweeten the problematic pie. Dumbledore is Gay an