Maximum Advisor

How To Be A Winner In The Experience Economy with Dennis Moseley–Williams



Chip Munn is joined by this week’s guest, Dennis Moseley Williams. Dennis is an internationally known consultant, motivational speaker, author, and founder of (DMW Strategic Consulting). Dennis is a limitless resource on the subject of the experience economy and its relevance to the financial services world. Chip and Dennis kick off the segment by reviewing the definition of the experience economy and how it differentiates from the service aspect when relating to clients or customers. Dennis explains, “Experience is designed and staged to create time well spent, to create engagement, delight all based on personalization and ultimately a desire within the client to linger, to stick around, to spend more time with the business or business owner.” Dennis encourages advisors to see every client encounter as a special event, a memory that will leave a lasting impression and poses the following set of questions; “How do you make it more fun? What can you do to transport them from one se