Household Of Faith Ministries Nc

Defy Intimidation with Pastors William & Donna Porter - May 20, 2018



Defy Intimidation!   We are called to a higher level!   There’s always something that tries to keep you out of the place you’re supposed to be It will use every tactic to tell you that you don’t belong there, that you don’t qualify, that you’re not worthy, that you’re not smart enough and the list goes on and on. It will say anything and everything to persuade you to get in agreement with it. Its goal is to talk to you until you surrender and believe what it says.   It wants you to see it as a giant.  It wants you to think of it as a giant.  It wants you to talk about it as if it is a giant.   What is its strategy? intimidation   Intimidation The action of intimidating someone, or the state of being intimidated   Intimidate To make timid or frightened; to scare, especially to compel or deter by or as if by threats To discourage, restrain, or silence illegally Unlawful act of intentionally coercing or frightening someone to do (or not to do)   Intimidation comes to keep you from walkin