Red Hand Roleplay

WMoT Session 15 Pt.1 - Towards the Southern Tower



In the beginning of this self contained session of the West Marches of Thule, our intrepid adventurers Darvon, Paavu, Cuthulion, and Keflex, head south to check out this mysterious tower they spotted while building Wulfa's Hut. Travelling through the burned out area where they were waylaid before by the mysterious invisible creature raises some suspicions. As they camp under the full moon they realize they didnt actually make plans how to get across the river. Plans form for some... interesting uses of freezing ray. Thanks for listening, we are working away on new episodes constantly and improving our work pipeline along the way, Alison (Ludmila) has been helping out with editing pretty much all of these episode for the last couple of months allowing us to get some other behind the scenes stuff attended to and I personally think she did a great job - Hope you all did too! If so give her a shout out on our Twitter @redhandroleplay or send us an email at and I'll make sure word gets b