Red Hand Roleplay

WMoT Session 15 Pt 3 - Hunters Hunted



We pick up with Paavu, Cuthulion, Keflex, and Darvon as they cross the river and run into unexpected company leading to some insights about this new land and soon enter the strange multilayered tower they have treked so far to find! Once they step foot into this tower they realize how ancient it might be and yet again that they are not alone!  We also want to announce that we are going to be working with our friends Variant Roles to help with a huge Mega Stream celebrating the release of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist! More info as it is available! Check out @variantroles, and our good buddy Dan @MadSciDM on Twitter! We want to hear from you! Come chat with us on Twitter and Facebook @redhandroleplay, leave us a review on itunes, let us know how we are doing and what you want to see further in the West Marches of Thule.  Thanks for listening!  See you next week and Keep being awesome! Intro Music is "Mystic Force" by Kevin Macleod Background music is from Tabletopaudio