Red Hand Roleplay

WMoT Session 15 pt 4 - Fresco Chango



Oh Snap, Y'all! This one starts with rolling for initiative as our heroes are in a pinch against some monstrous foes! Having now travelled across the land, braved weather, built their own raft, crossed the river, Learned about their neighbors and invaded the Tower our party now has to fight just to survive! After that, the Dm gets to use that Liberal Arts degree(s) he paid for! Thanks for checking us out. Our next episode will be the beginning of Session 16, By the end of the session The Little town of Willowdale will be turned upside down, and set on a path of darkness, mephistophelian bargains and sorrow... You absolutely don't want to miss this. Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook @redhandroleplay,  We are also working with our friends @variantroles on some awesome things to celebrate the release of Waterdeep: Dragon heist! More info as we get closer! Thanks again to Alison for editing this episode! Take care and be awesome you wonderful people! See you next time!