Red Hand Roleplay

WMoT Session 16 Pt. 1 - Maybe It's Maybeling



Hello everyone, We did have some audio issues this session. I am truly sorry and we have dover everything we can to iron them out. I hope you will find it in your hearts to look past it. We will do our best to make sure it doesnt happen again. I hope you will look past it all the more because this is one of the most pivotal sessions we have had! I don't want to giv too much away but I bet it will leave you shocked by the end! Anyways, please join us as we follow Tor, Silver, Zorathil, Maybel, and Korrthass, as they trudge deep into the dark woods to attempt to commune with the dark spirit that is said to exist there.  As always, shoot us a message or follow us on Twitter and Facebook, we keep seeing more and more people jump on but want to hear more from everyone! Also, We want to annouce that we have the dates for the massive Dragonheist 24 person Superstream put together by our buddy Dan (@madscidm) at Variant Roles. There will actually be four of our voices you can put with faces, Our DM Jonathan and Ali