Red Hand Roleplay

WMoT Session 17 pt 1 - Old Friends lost, New friends found.



Follow Cuthalion, Ludmila, Darvon, and Korrthass search into the forest to find their lost friends, what they find may be much, much worse. This episode features our brand new theme song composed by the wonderful Breck McGough, you can find him @therealbreck on twitter The second week of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist presented by Variant Roles has begun, Find us on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays as we romp through Waterdeep trying to find that hidden treasure! More info @redhandroleplay or @Variantroles on twitter! Check it out! Send us those 5-star reviews, we work hard trying to provide the best entertainment we know how and we would love to hear a review from you no matter what it is... but we all know it is secretly a five star in your heart!