Red Hand Roleplay

WMoT Session 17 Pt 2 Tor and Silver Too, Where are you?



In Part 2 of Session 17 we have Korrthass, Cuthulion, Darvon, and Ludmila traipsing through the wilderness seeking any sign of their lost friends, before running into an unexpected visitor, who might have some clues. Thanks for listening! Get in touch with us @redhandroleplay on twitter, and while you are at it check our friends @variantroles who are running the Dragon Heist Mega Stream on twitch where you can see Alison and Jonathan on Monday nights, Ryan on Thursdays, and Woodson on Saturday along with a bunch of new friends! Thanks to Alison for editing this episode, thanks to Breck McGough for our Theme song, and thanks to all of you for sticking with us! Keep being awesome!